Saturday, August 20, 2011


Woke up this AM with a migraine, so lost good writing time, alas. Everything OK now--I reread all the Pinkerton stuff, and sent out some feelers concerning what EE might have been wearing at the First Inaugural ball, to which he SHOULD have invited Miss Carrie!! and maybe her dad--just for good measure. The sad thing is, he probably thought there would be a lot of other opportunities to attend such events. And there would not be. I am thinking he wore his dress uniform, Cadet. He wasn't Regular Army yet, and there is only the one photo of him in anything except a uniform, so I am thinking "uniform." Hay and Nicolay were probably elegant in 1860s dress clothing--Nicolay always looked elegant anyway--this picture, altho' a year after EE's death, shows Hay & Nicolay behind Lincoln, on the far left. They are speaking with a young woman--as usual!! Nicolay has the beard & the frock coat, Hat wears the cutaway. I love these guys--maybe I should write about them some time. Anyway, off to lunch, then back to writing.

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