Saturday, January 21, 2012

South Carolina, Again!

The above image is from today's Primary Election in South Carolina. Wealthy planter (and former Yankee governor) Mitt Romney, who had everything his way until just last week, is in danger of losing this election.

Fire-eating former Georgia Senator Newt Gingritch seems to have hit a sore spot when he demanded that Mr. Romney declare his assets publicly. Romney has been slow to do so, as perhaps his "assets" don't wish to be counted.

Senator Gingrich is predicted to do very well!

Genteel, soft-spoken Mr. Richard Santorum, a relative newcomer to this melee that passes as politics in the former Confederacy, did well in the Yankeedom of Ohio, but this support does not seem to have transferred South. He does have a lovely lady at his side, who is an asset to her husband's campaign.

Mr. Ron Paul, a staple in the last two Presidential elections, goes his own way. He has garnered considerable support from younger voters, but is that enough to make him a potential spoiler?

Just as in 1860-61, the primary resident of the White House, in Washington, D. C., watches anxiously. This will, once again, affect his Presidency.

South Carolina . . . as usual!

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