Sunday, October 16, 2011

Eleazer Paine costume

DIY Eleazer Paine Mask!!

This is the largest, most exact image I could find of Brigadier General Eleazer Paine. I mentioned him earlier on this blog. He will be a feature of my second guest blog for in the upcoming week. I am not sure exactly which day it will appear, so you will just have to check their fantastic blogsite every day until it shows up. ( . . . and then keep checking it, because it is one of the best ones out there.)

Here are the directions for the Mask:
1) Click and drag (or whatever you PC folks do) the above image to your desktop.
2) Print it out in the most high degree of resolution your printer allows.
3) Take the image to Staples/Kinko's/Whatever and have it enlarged to a size that will fit your face--maybe 12" x 18" or so.
4) Take the image home and carefully color it. Colored pencils work well over photocopies.
5) Cut the image out. Make sure the hair is spiky!!
6) Take the image back to the copy store and ask them to laminate it.
7) Cut the extra laminating film away from the image.
8) Cut away as much of the eyes as you like, but remember, the more eye you leave, the more BOO!
9) Either attach an elastic band from side to side to hold the mask to your face, or glue it to a flat stick which you can hold in front of your face.
10) Terrorize the neighborhood just like "Old Paine!"

Happy Hallowe'en!

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