Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Death of Ellsworth

Just a nudge--the first of several planned exhibits celebrating the 150th Anniversary of the Civil War at the National Portrait Gallery in Washington, D. C. is due to close on March 18, 2012.

This exhibit is The Death of Ellsworth. Unfortunately, I live in California and can't go see it. I wish, I wish, I wish!! It looks amazing.

Included are not only images of Colonel Ellsworth, but both guns involved in the shootings are there as well. Even seeing a picture of James Jackson's double barreled shotgun is chilling, knowing that it is the weapon that murdered "my" Colonel!

Then--to see the rifle and bayonet used on Jackson by Francis Brownell, trying to save Ellsworth's life and prevent further mayhem--it is a moving experience for me. I suspect this is a common reaction when anyone spends large amounts of time with people and things from the past--they become so familiar!

I haven't decided yet if Brownell actually bayonetted Jackson--the sources are split, and that includes the Jackson autopsy, or what purports to be the autopsy. I feel that if I could just see the bayonet in person, I'd know for sure what happened!!

Then I come back to my senses, and my sources.

If you are like me, and can't make it to D. C. before March 18, here is the link to the exhibit. It is very nice as well. Not the real thing, but . . .

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